Healthy Tioga - formerly Safe Kids, Elder Services, and TCCC

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~Physical Activity
~Senior Resources
~Environmental Issues
~Pedestrian and
Car Seat Safety
~Tobacco Control
~Vaccine Clinics
~Car Seat Clinics
~Baby Backpack Project
~Vaping Hazard Education
~Sr. Expo/Elder Education
~Environmental Forums
~Fitness Opportunities
Baby Backpack Project
Infant Immunization Week is April 21-27, 2024
In celebration of Infant Immunization Week, the Tioga County Partnership for Community Health along with the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Pennsylvania Immunization Coalition are giving out Baby Bags to parents of infants who are born in the spring. Bags are given at UPMC Wellsboro and The Wellsboro WIC office and include information on immunizations, safety, early intervention and goodies including a
“Hugged, Loved, Immunized” onesie, a vaccination record book and a thermometer. In January, after all the babies have reached their six-month milestone, vaccination records will be checked with permission of the parents. Those whose records show that the child is up to date will be eligible to win an additional prize.
We are glad to have this partnership with many organizations to help promote the importance of
getting your child vaccinated against harmful diseases.